I came across a blog about writing and productivity. She says productivity is directly tied to three things: one is knowledge. Before you start writing the scene, set aside a minimum of five minutes to plan the scene you are going to work on. What are you trying to accomplish? What is your character trying to accomplish? What happens? What will the conflict be? The second element is time. She said, keep track of when you write, and try to schedule your writing in the times you are most productive. She wrote more in the afternoon, away from her house, and usually for long rather than short sessions. But for each person the optimal circumstances will be different. The third element– and this was the real AHA moment for me– is enthusiasm. When you do your planning/thinking about the day’s writing, try to locate the part of the scene that you are excited to write. If you can’t find a reason to be excited by the scene, invent one, and if you can’t invent one, then cut the scene, and find another way to work the information into the story.