Anticipation is the drug the Internet traffics, especially online shopping, the elixir of an imagined future, more perfect, more serene, pain free. I wanted that this morning with a clawing hunger, desperate, grubbing. What did I want, exactly? I wanted to go on the website for Savvy Rest, and find out if the layers of latex were three inch Dunlop or two inch Talalay. This could change everything. I wanted to read reviews of latex beds, to find out if latex does work better for sleep, if there is fire retardant in the box springs. I wanted to plan a vacation in Barcelona, find book reviews of Natalie Ginsberg, and something I couldn’t quite place– maybe yoga pants, maybe fruit fly traps, maybe sheets. I woke up in full flight, running from something, hungry for escape. Not just a little hungry. Flat out. Ravenous.